Meet the Doctor

Dr. Todd Huffaker

I love being a dentist, and this is truly the Golden Age of Dentistry. We have so many ways to restore teeth and enhance aesthetics. My patients range in age from 2 to 100, and they all have their own special needs and dental challenges. I have always had lower fees and I only do work that the patient needs. My overriding goal is consistent quality and patient comfort.

My wife and I have six children, three of which are now dentists. I would like to think they chose to do that because they could see I really enjoyed working with my patients. 

In my pracitce, I do all kinds of procedures including fillings, crowns, root canals, extractions, dentures and partials, aesthetic procedures, TMJ therapy, restoring implants, straightening teeth, etc., and I love working with children. 

I hope you'll give us a try!


News From Dr. Huffaker:

How can I know if I have gum disease?

The gum tissue and bone are the support system for the teeth. If the gums are not healthy, eventually you will lose bone and the teeth will become mobile. If you have gum recession or develop pockets between the tooth and gums, you have lost bone.

There are specific signs of gum disease. The first is bleeding and swollen gums. This is usually because plaque has been allowed to build up on the teeth. The cure is regular brushing and flossing.

Another sign of gum disease is loss of stippling. When healthy gum tissue is examined under good light, little pin pricks are visible all over the surface. If you can’t see stippling, that is a sign of disease. The tissue in between the teeth is also a sign of gingival health. This is called the interdental papilla. Red and swollen tissue in this area is a sign of gum disease.

When I examine patients I look at teeth, but I’m also examining the health of the gums. It’s important because if the gums are healthy, the supporting bone is healthy.

What is My Risk for Oral Cancer?

There are many types of cancer.  Some cancers, like lung cancer are decreasing in frequency.  But, oral cancer is becoming more frequent.  Last year, over 51,000 cases of oral cancer were diagnosed.  Over 90% of these were squamous cell carcinomas.

Oral cancers can be caused by several things.  In India, chewing Betel leaf is the main factor.  In the U.S., if you drink alcohol and use tobacco, you can increase your risk by 35 times.  But, the biggest cause of oral cancer in America is Human Papillary Virus.  It is responsible for 70% of all oral cancers.

There are 80+ strains of HPV.  HPV-16 is probably the worst.   A vaccine exists for HPV that protects against the four worst strains.

In my office I look for a lump in the anterior 1/3 of the tongue.  I look for swollen lymph nodes and any mucosal swelling. These are the first signs.  If there is any question we biopsy.  I have diagnosed several squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas.  I always tell  my patients if there is a suspicious lump, let me see it right away.

Can a Broken Tooth Be Saved?

It's just awful when you are eating and suddenly there is something hard in your mouth and you realize you have a broken tooth!

Enamel is very hard but, over time you can develop hairline cracks and finally the tooth breaks.  Most breaks that I've seen tend to angle out toward the side and are not difficult to repair. However, some posterior molars break through the body of the tooth.  There is a separation through the roots.  These teeth can't be saved.

Fortunately, most breaks are not that serious.   When a tooth is broken I usually recommend a crown.  When preparing a tooth for a crown I use a feather edge margin and can get onto 3 to 4 mm of solid tooth structure, even on the side where the tooth broke.

My fee for a crown is about $200 less than most dentist.  It's a durable solution and is also very aesthetic.

 Making Your Teeth Whiter

Have you noticed that as years pass, your teeth seem to take on hues of gray and even yellow?  This is a natural process.  It's partly due to what we eat and drink and partly due to dentin under the enamel, which darkens with time.  Teeth can be stained by blueberries, tea, coffee, red wine, Chlorhexidine rinses, etc.

The question is, how can we reverse this process and make the teeth white again?  The anser is calcium carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. These are both peroxides that release oxygen in the warmth of your mouth.   The release of oxygen is what whitens the enamel.  I've never seen a peroxide damage teeth but, it can cause a little short term sensitivity.

We take impressions of your teeth, make custom trays, give you enough whitening gel for 7- 10 days and charge about $100 less than most dentists.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



